Thursday, August 13, 2009

going green

In my colleagues blog Political Haze the author fails to create a sense of credibility for the reader. The reader is unaware if the author or the source of information is even a credible source. Though the author does a great job of outlining the background information of the issue, without the audiences trust they cant get their point across. With the authors use of “the government should” and the use of words like passionate, shows the authors bias opinion and what message they want to get across. Obviously this author wants the reader to be for the government having a greater involvement in environmental issues, and to make a move for the a greener America. The author also leaves out important information about the clean air act and what that accomplished. And thus by not talking about anything the government did in the last 19 years for the environment it makes the reader think that nothing at all was accomplished which is clearly not the case. However overall the author is truly affective at convincing his audience.

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