Monday, August 10, 2009

U.S., Canada, and Mexico

President Obama met with the Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper and the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon to discuss issue of immigration, the H1N1 flu pandemic, organized crime, and trade. At there meeting Obama talked about the much needed immigration reform, saying that he doesn't think we will see change till 2010. For one he said that he has many other things on this plate, and " [hes not] going to be able to snap[his] fingers and get this done". However he did say that he hopes to get the laws passed in 2010. I think it is really important that Obama works to get this immigration reform done as soon as possible because we need to make the immigration process fair and run more efficiently. These three countries rely heavily on each other and their relationships are important for commerce. This is why in these talks the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon was urged to put more efforts on dealing with the organized drug crimes. Obama rightfully said that America would continue helping Mexico with this issue and that, “the biggest, by far, violators of human rights right now are the cartels themselves that are kidnapping people, extorting people and encouraging corruption.” Thus overall it was a successful meeting even though no formal decisions were made. 

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